Ana Hofman, lecture “Antifascism, Activism and the Politics of the Past after Yugoslavia” Humanities Center, Bucknell University, U.S.

Ana Hofman will hold a lecture at the Humanities Center, Bucknell University   on “Antifascism, activism and politics of the past after Yugoslavia”; November 13, 2019

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XXXVth meeting of the European ethnomusicologists seminar “Performing Bodies”

Projektna skupina se je udeležila XXXV srečanja Evropskega seminarja etnomuzikologov “Uprizarjanje telesa” (“Performing Bodies”), ki je potekalo v času od 3-7 September 2019, na Oddelku za glasbo, Durham University, UK.

Izledke svojih raziskav so predstavili na skupnem panelu “Sounds, Bodies and Affects in Music Performing and Listening,” ki ga je vodil Martin Stokes, Kings College London.

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Roundtable “Sound survivals: affective structures of musical (self)care and solidarity across borders” at the 45th ICTM World Conference (11–17 July 2019, Bangkok, Thailand)

This roundtable set out to explore whether, when and how music and sound can contribute to practices of (self) care that oppose bodily and mental exhaustion, and structural feelings of social disintegration.


Participants: Marko Kölbl (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna), Evrim Hikmet Öğüt (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University), Ana Hofman (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Tom Western (University of Oxford)


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6th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music

At one of the suggested topics of the ICTM group for multipart music (23‑27 September 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), which dealt with emotions and aesthetic experiences in music practices, Mojca Kovačič presented a paper titled Emotional and Affective Experiences in Collective Singing , in which she presented the theoretical starting points and methodological challenges for the research of emotions and affect elicited by collective singing.

Program and abstracts


14th International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF)

Ana Hofman and Mojca Kovačič presented the project at the 14th International Society for Ethnology and Folklore(SIEF) congress entitled: “Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World.” They presented the paper “Affective politics in a time of political exhaustion: a sonic view” in the panel Affect and atmospheres in the ethnographic betweenorganized by the SIEF Working Group on Body, Affects, Senses, and Emotions (BASE), organized by Deborah Kapchan (New York University) and Birgit Abels (Georg August University Göttingen).

More about the panel:

The project team joined the SIEF Working Group on Body, Affects, Senses, and Emotions  and participated at the group meeting.

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