Afekt, širši pogled

Ahmed, Sara. 2004. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Bennett, Jane. 2010. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

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Kwek, Dorothy H. B. and Seyfert, Robert 2018. Affect matters: Strolling through heterological ecologies. PublicCulture 30 (1):35-59.

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Masco, Joseph. 2008. “’Survival is Your Business’: Engineering Ruins and Affect in Nuclear America”. Cultural Anthropology23(2): 361-398.

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Mazzarella, William. 2009. “Affect: What is Good for?” In Enchantments of Empire, Nation, Globalization, Saurabh Dube (eds.). New York: Routledge: 291–309.

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